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  3. Office Supplies
  4. Flags, Tabs & Page Markers
  5. Post-it® Flags 680-HFBYO, .945 in x 1.7 in (24 mm x 43.2 mm) Blue, Orange, Yellow

Post-it® Flags 680-HFBYO, .945 in x 1.7 in (24 mm x 43.2 mm) Blue, Orange, Yellow

  • 3M ID 70005049401

Mark information in a document, book or manual for later reference

Stays put until you decide to move it

Dispenser fits in your notebook or binder so flags are always on hand

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  • Mark information in a document, book or manual for later reference
  • Stays put until you decide to move it
  • Dispenser fits in your notebook or binder so flags are always on hand
  • Assorted Bright Colors, 1 in Wide
  • 60/On-the-Go Dispenser, 1 Dispenser/Pack

Post-it® Highlighting Flags in assorted Bright colors and 1 in wide size are great to mark information in a document, book or manual for later reference. They stay put until you decide to move it. The dispenser fits in your notebook or binder.

Post-it® Highlighting Flags in assorted Bright colors and 1 in wide size are great to mark information in a document, book or manual for later reference. They stay put until you decide to move it. The dispenser fits in your notebook or binder so flags are always on hand. Contains 60/on-the-go dispenser and 1 dispenser/pack.
